Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sylvia with her two grandchildren. Jinjer is Jason and Kim's daughter, and Sylvia's shadow.
Cousin Danny Lopez
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Cousin Amy Brazil
Patty Martinez with her daughter Sasha. Sasha is almost 4 years old, but is very tall and already a good snowboarder.
Rene Lopez with Marissa and Maddy. Marissa is almost three.
Liah and Gabriela.
Laura (Lola) and Chris. He is a pilot for Alaska Air. They met while they both worked for Air West. He is from Anchorage, Alaska. Laura has moved up there and works as an administrative assistant in the State Attorney General's office.
Stephanie and James Woolf. He is a very nice, easygoing, pleasant person to be around. He and Stepanie are very well-suited for each other.
Aunt Sylvia with her grandson, Matt, Amy's son.
Armando and Vicky.
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Tom and Marina came.
Yoli and Guillermo. Sorry, I should have redone this shot.
Peter and JoLynn Mariolis, Michael's parents, Becca's new in-laws. Very nice people.
Jason and Kim Townsend.
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Ruiz Family Get-together March 2008

This is my cousin Yolanda Bustamante with mom. She was visiting from Mexico City.
This is another cousin, Anita, Yolanda's younger sister, with her husband Cris. They live in the LA area and came to pick Yolanda up.
This is Becca and her husband Michael Mariolis. He is holding Gabriela, Rene and Liah's youngest.
Liah and Ashley with a friend.
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